Our hypochlorous HOCl products are produced from three everyday components: water, food grade salt and electricity.
When salt water is electrolysed, it produces a solution that is >99.3% water, chloride salt and Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl). Hypochlorous Acid is 100 times more effective than bleach, yet it is non-toxic and extremely powerful and proven as an anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal for use on skin, foods, plants, animals, kitchens, bathrooms, and just about anything else that needs to be kept clean.
An eco-friendly, no rinse solution which provides an instant on-contact kill to stop the risk of spreading, while protecting the planet with a pH neutral formulation and no dermatological effects on the hands – this makes it ideal for regular, daily use. Following many tests in the US and Japan, Hypochlorous Acid has been proven to kill E-coli; Salmonella; Tuberculosis; Staph; MRSA, Covid-19 and microbial bacteria on surfaces, animals, and food. It is widely used to disinfect surgical equipment and surfaces, and in forensic testing settings.
YES! Our own bodies produce HOCI when white blood cells attack an invading pathogen, and unlike its cousin bleach, HOCI is noncarcinogenic and will not harm skin eyes or lungs. Plus, it’s non-flammable and food /pet safe.